Terminal on macOS

One of the best terminals for macOS is iTerm2. It has many extra features including better copy/paste support and even an option for different text color under the cursor. Small things like this make a big difference.

What if Terminal on macOS could look and behave more like iTerm2? This post creates a Terminal profile that mimics the appearance and behavior of iTerm2, so that the default Terminal can be used in a similar way and with the same sensible defaults, including:

  • Close terminal when process exits (i.e. on exit)
  • Use option key as Meta inside the terminal
  • Same title bar with the process name and shortcut key

Make Terminal look like iTerm2

  1. Open Terminal > Preferences… > Profiles > Gear > Import
  2. Download iTerm.terminal
  3. Select iTerm.terminal. Then select the iTerm profile from the list of profiles to make it active.

Alternatively, copy and paste this plain text into a iTerm.terminal file using a raw text editor like vim or emacs or TextEdit with the plaintext option turned on in preferences.

Edit: Removed verbatim plaintext configuration file (April 2020)