Parallelizing Bash Scripts

par is a tool to parallelize multiple commands and view the output all on one stdout stream, with color-coding. The inspiration for par’s appearance comes from Docker Compose, which clearly separates the output of one process from another. par is open source and available at Here’s an example of par in action with netcat servers and clients:

par example

The terminal screenshot above demonstrates the output of the following par command:

par './ 1234' './ 4321' 'echo bravo' './ 1234' './ 4321'

This runs five processes. Two are netcat servers on ports :1234 and :4321 and two are netcat clients. One process just echoes bravo. Here are the two and scripts that are being run in parallel:

     #!/usr/bin/env sh
     if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then >&2 echo "usage: $0 1234"; exit 1; fi
     echo "Starting netcat on :$1 ..."
     lsof -i :$1 | awk '/nc /{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
     nc -l $1
     #!/usr/bin/env sh
     sleep 1
     if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then >&2 echo "usage: $0 1234"; exit 1; fi
     for i in `seq 1 3`; do echo hello world $i; done | nc $1

Finally, here’s the plaintext of the image above:

par                 | Started 5 procs. Warning: lines truncated around 4096 chars. Waiting for any nonzero exit. PIDs: 7731 7740 7750 7757 7764 
./ 1234 | Starting netcat on :1234 ...
./ 4321 | Starting netcat on :4321 ...
echo bravo          | bravo
`echo bravo` exited with code 0 (PID: 7750)
./ 1234 | hello world 1
./ 1234 | hello world 2
./ 1234 | hello world 3
./ 4321 | hello world 1
./ 4321 | hello world 2
./ 4321 | hello world 3
`./ 1234` exited with code 0 (PID: 7731)
`./ 4321` exited with code 0 (PID: 7740)
`./ 1234` exited with code 0 (PID: 7757)
`./ 4321` exited with code 0 (PID: 7764)
par                 | Done. Exit code: 0

The ANSI color codes are not shown in the text above, although they would be if the output was piped or redirected to a file.


The par command is about 81 lines and is at:

  1. Defines println (which calls print_color) to produce color-coded, tagged lines
  2. Defines pad and unpad for preventing interleaving. Inspired by
  3. For each argument (command)
    • Executes command in the background and captures its PID
    • Captures command’s stdout/err and pads it then appends to the UNIFIED pipe
  4. Prints the number and PIDs of all procs that were started
  5. Backgrounds a process to continuously unpad UNIFIED and write to stdout
  6. Registers a trap to end straggler processes on a Ctrl-C interrupt
  7. Waits until any PID has non-zero exit or all PIDs exit zero
    • Checks every PID every second to see if it has stopped yet. Once it stops:
    • Prints the command name, that it exited, the exit code, and its PID
    • Continues waiting if the exit code was zero (increments a counter too)
    • Otherwise kills all PIDS and 1-level deep of their children
  8. Cleans up and prints “Done” along with the exit code

There’s also a Makefile that supports make test and make install. The tests only demonstrate output (no assertions). Install only works if go is installed since it attempts to copy the executable to $GOPATH/bin.


There are many alternatives to par. For example, you could start each process by hand, write a short script, or just use xargs such as:

echo '"./command1" "./command2"' | xargs -n1 -P`nproc` -I {} sh -c "echo '{}'; {}"

Note on macOS sysctl -n hw.ncpu is used instead of nproc.